Read and Publish Agreements negotiated by SANLiC
This guide provides an overview of all current read and publish (R&P) agreements negotiated by SANLiC. These agreements enable libraries to provide read access to paywalled content while simultaneously repurposing reading subscription expenditure to finance open access publishing in the same journal collections. Students, academic staff and researchers can access high-quality paywalled scholarly content while authors can publish full and immediate open access in hybrid journals without any author facing charges (APCs) in most cases and at a discount in some fully open access journals.
You can access information about each of the R&P agreements by clicking on the name of the publisher listed below. For each agreement you will find a list of included journals and participating institutions.
Authors from participating institutions are eligible for OA publishing in the included titles under these agreements.
Please note that it is the researcher’s responsibility to double-check the DHET accreditation of a specific journal.
Click here for a full alphabetical title list to follow of all journals covered by R&P agreements negotiated by SANLiC.
Contact your institution’s library staff for further information on publishing open access under the SANLiC-negotiated R&P agreements.
All SANLiC R&P agreements are listed on the ESAC Transformative Agreement Registry.
About Open Access
The South African draft open science policy is premised on “…the cardinal guiding principle ‘As Open As Possible, As Closed As Necessary’. This principle recognises both the legislative environment, and the critical socio-economic role of intellectual property rights.” The policy intends to make open access mandatory for publications arising from publicly funded research and desirable for research from all sources of funding. Open access benefits authors as well as those who can freely access the research.
“Open Access means more readers, more potential collaborators, more citations for their work, and ultimately more recognition for them and their institution. Open Access means improved access to research for all”.
(Source: SPARC Europe)
For practical reasons, open access definitions are mutating leading to some confusion. Some people equate open access publishing to predatory publishing.
These YouTube clips may be of use in clarifying some of the confusion and making the case for Open Access:
The beauty of read and publish agreements is that researchers do not have to find a new open access venue to comply with open science policy. These agreements enable researchers from participating institutions to publish in the hybrid journal of their choice without paying article processing charges and without relinquishing copyright. In some agreements, this researcher benefit applies to fully (Gold) Open Access journals as well.