Become a member or a beneficiary institution
Membership is based upon application and is granted at the sole discretion of the Board of Directors. Only not for profit entities such as Public Higher Education Institutions, Statutory Research and Science Institutions, and other Public Entities are admitted to membership.
Beneficiaries are like members but without certain membership rights such as voting and participation in general meetings. Beneficiary institutions do however benefit from SANLiC‘S services, on the same basis as members.
Members and beneficiary institutions are charged an annual, formula-based “membership” fee as well as an annual service fee for each agreement they benefit from. Membership and service fees are the primary sources of income for SANLiC.
Prospective member and beneficiary institutions may request application forms from the SANLiC office. Once satisfactorily completed and returned to SANLiC, the application will be submitted to the SANLiC Board for consideration.
Click here to contact us to initiate an application.
Offers and vendors
Subject coverage: Computing | Information Technology
American Chemical Society All Publications Pack and Legacy Archives
Multi-year 2023-2025. This is a Read & Publish agreement. The All-Publications Pack provides subscribers with access to 54 current peer-reviewed journals published by the American Chemical Society. The Legacy Archives includes all journals published by the ACS from 1879 to 1995.
Subject coverage: Chemistry & Related Fields
Multi-year 2025-2027. This database covers all the journals published by the American Institute of Physics, including titles published in partnership with other organisations, the AIP Conference Proceedings, and their flagship journal Physics Today.
Subject coverage: Physics & Related Fields
All journals published by the American Physical Society.
Subject coverage: Physics
Multi-year 2024-2026. The APA offers a range of e-resource packages to SANLiC members at discounted prices, including PsycARTICLES, PsycBOOKS, PsycEXTRA, PsycINFO, PsycTESTS, PsycTHERAPY and their Handbooks in Psychology.
Subject coverage: Psychology & Related Fields
Multi-year 2023-2025. Reviews of significant primary research literature in various fields for the purpose of guiding researchers to the most important contributions in their areas of research.
Subject coverage: Biomedical | Life, Physical & Social Sciences
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) digital collections comprise peer-reviewed journals, e-books, and conference proceedings.
Subject coverage: Mechanical Engineering | Medical Device Research | Energy Resources & Management
The ASTM Digital Library includes all the international publications of the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM).
Subject coverage: Aerospace | Biomedical, Chemical, Civil, Environmental, Geological, Industrial, Nuclear & Solar Engineering
Bentham Science E-journals and E-books
Multi-year 2024-2026. SANLiC members may choose between the various specific subject journal collections or may subscribe to the complete collection of journals. Subscriptions over $5 000 include a publishing component. There are also several e-book collections available for purchase.
Subject coverage: Science | Medicine | Technology
BioOne Complete is BioOne’s full-text database of 200 leading journals in the biological, ecological and environmental sciences.
Subject coverage: Biology, Ecology & Environmental Sciences
Subject coverage: Life Sciences
Subject coverage: Multidisciplinary
SANLiC members may choose to either subscribe to the complete package or choose between three subject collections.
Subject coverage: Biology | Humanities | Law | Social Science
Published by the Centre for Agriculture and Biosciences International, CAB Abstracts provides access to the world’s life sciences literature. It comes with CABI Full Text, giving users access to journal articles, conference papers and reports. Global Health by CABI gives researchers access to relevant public health research and practice.
Subject coverage: Agriculture | Environmental and Veterinary Sciences | Applied Economics | Food Science, Nutrition, and Public Health
Multi-year 2025-2027. This is a Read & Publish agreement. Authors affiliated to participating institutions can make their articles open access at no additional cost.
Subject coverage: Multidisciplinary
Subject coverage: Multidisciplinary
Multi-year 2024-2025. A customisable online reference database covering content on a wide variety of subjects. Subject-specific collections are also available.
Subject coverage: Multidisciplinary
Subject coverage: Multidisciplinary
De Gruyter publishes over 900 journals, covering all areas of scientific research. SANLiC members may choose from various collections to suit their needs.
Subject coverage: Medicine | Science | Technology | Humanities & Social Sciences
Three E-Duke Scholarly Collections are available at reduced prices to SANLiC members: E-Duke Journals (Standard or Expanded collection), E-Duke Books and Euclid.
Subject coverage: Humanities | Social Sciences | Mathematics
Multi-year 2024-1016. EBSCOhost is an online information resource comprising multiple databases. In addition to the base packages (Complete, Premium or Ultimate), subject-specific databases are available.
Subject coverage: Multidisciplinary
Multi-year 2025-2027. This is a Read & Publish agreement. Specialising in management research, Emerald manages a portfolio of over 300 journals. Libraries can choose to subscribe to the entire journal collection (Emerald eJournals Premier) or to specific subject collections. Authors affiliated to participating institutions can make their articles open access at no additional cost. Emerald also offers e-books and case studies collections.
Subject coverage: Applied Sciences | Engineering | Library and Information Science & Management
A general knowledge English language encyclopædia especially designed for the needs of colleges and universities. The subscription includes World Data Analyst. An optional subscription at a discounted price is also available for Image Quest.
Subject coverage: Multidisciplinary
Subject coverage: Sciences | Social Sciences
Multi-year 2023-2025. Their database, Passport is an integrated online information system providing data and insights on industries, economies and consumers globally.
Subject coverage: Business Intelligence on Industries, Countries & Consumers
A daily online service by Fitch Solutions that provides forecasting, analysis and data information on countries, industries, and financial markets.
Subject coverage: Business | Finance | Macroeconomics
HeinOnline Academic Core contains a large, image-based legal research collection covering nine centuries of legal history. HeinOnline a La Carte offers a wide choice of legal publications such as the Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals, the World Treaty Library and others.
Subject coverage: Law & Legal History
Multi-year 2025-2027. Features content from the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) and the Institution of Engineering and Technology (The IET).
Subject coverage: Communications | Computer Science | Electrical Engineering
Multi-year 2025-2027. SAGE has collaborated with the Institution of Mechanical Engineers to publish their collection of 18 peer-reviewed journals, which consist of the 16-part Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers and two other titles. The ImechE journals cover all aspects of mechanical engineering. This collection is included in the Read & Publish agreement with SAGE.
Subject coverage: Mechanical Engineering
Multi-year 2025-2027. A specialised index to peer-reviewed research literature in engineering and related fields, Inspec is available on four platforms: The IET’s own platform, EBSCOhost, Engineering Village (Elsevier) and Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics).
Subject coverage: Computers & Control | Electronics | Electrical, Mechanical & Production Engineering | Information Technology | Physics
Subject coverage: Physics & Related Disciplines
Subject coverage: Multidisciplinary
Multi-year 2024-2028. Lexis Library, published by Lexis Nexis, is a comprehensive online legal research tool available on the MyLexisNexis platform. It provides access to a comprehensive collection of acts, bills, gazettes, and case law.
Subject coverage: South African Law
Multi-year 2024-2028. Curated by top South African legal experts, this database offers practical assistance to legal problems in one convenient platform. Practical Guidance is divided into over 30 broad practice areas; SANLiC members may choose to subscribe to all areas or to any number to make up a bundle of their choice.
Multi-year 2023-2025. A collection of 280 online full-text journals. Available only on the Ovid platform.
Subject coverage: Biosciences | Health Sciences | Medicine
Published by the American Mathematical Society, MathSciNet provides access to reviews, abstracts, and bibliographic information for mathematical literature.
Subject coverage: Mathematics
Published by the Royal Society of Chemistry, the Merck Index is an authoritative source of information on chemicals, drugs, and biologicals. The fully searchable online edition contains new and historical records not available in the print edition.
Subject coverage: Chemistry
Subject coverage: Multidisciplinary
Multi-year 2025-2027. Many of the reference works published by the Oxford University Press are available as online editions. Titles include the Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Grove Art Online, Grove Music Online, Oxford Online Reference – Premium Collection (comprises a selection of in-depth, single volume works from the Reference Library), bilingual dictionaries and numerous other titles and databases.
Subject coverage: Dependent on product
Project MUSE is a collaboration between libraries and publishers, providing full-text access to a wide array of peer-reviewed journals from over 120 participating scholarly publishers.
Subject coverage: Humanities & Social Sciences
This database is an ideal foundation for a university e-book collection. Academic Complete is aligned into 10 subject areas to enhance effective cross-searching with ProQuest journal and archive resources and to provide customers with access to more e-books in the process.
Subject coverage: Multidisciplinary
ProQuest Central brings together ProQuest’s most popular databases into one easy-to-use multimedia resource that supports research.
Subject coverage: Multidisciplinary
This is the largest single repository of graduate dissertations and theses, listing over four million works from universities in 88 countries across the globe.
Subject coverage: Multidisciplinary
Multi-year 2025-2027. This is a Read & Publish agreement. The Royal Society publishes several high-impact journals and their archive, dating back 350 years, contains some of the most significant scientific papers ever published, including Michael Faraday’s series of electrical experiments, Isaac Newton’s invention of the reflecting telescope and Stephen Hawking’s first research paper. Three packages are on offer to SANLiC members: Excellence in Science, the Physical Sciences Collection, and the Biological Sciences Collection.
Subject coverage: Biological | Engineering | Mathematical & Physical Sciences
Royal Society of Chemistry – RSC Platinum
Subject coverage: Chemistry & Related Sciences
Multi-year 2023-March 2026. The offer to SANLiC members includes several databases such as Sabinet African Journals, SA Media, government and provincial gazettes, and legislative content.
Subject coverage: African research | South African News and Legislation
Multi-year 2025-2027. This is a Read & Publish agreement. SAGE Premier provides access to over 1,000 peer-reviewed scholarly journals published in partnership with over 400 professional societies. Authors affiliated to participating institutions can make their articles open access at no additional cost.
Subject coverage: Multidisciplinary
Multi-year 2023-2025. Published by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), this is the online version of the scholarly, peer-reviewed weekly general science journal, Science.
Subject coverage: General Science
Subject coverage: Multidisciplinary
SciFinder is an online tool from Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) that enables access to the world’s most comprehensive source of references, substances and reactions in chemistry and related sciences.
Subject coverage: Chemistry & Related Sciences
Multi-year to 2024-2026. An online citation index published by Elsevier covering nearly 24,000 scholarly journals from over 5,000 publishers. Scopus provides a comprehensive overview of global research output.
Subject coverage: Multidisciplinary
Subject coverage: Multidisciplinary
Subject coverage: Health Sciences | Humanities | Science | Social Science | Technology
Taylor & Francis Online Reference (Europa & Routledge imprints)
Individual online titles that can be cross searched in an online reference resource. Works include the Europa World of Learning, Europa World Plus or Europa World Basic, International Who’s Who, the Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy and many others.
Subject coverage: Dependent on product
Multi-year 2024-2026. This is a Read & Publish agreement.
Subject coverage: Biological Sciences
Two journal collections are on offer – the Medical Package and the Chemistry Package – as well as other online products including Med-One (e-book collection), the Thieme Teaching Assistant Anatomy and the Science of Synthesis.
Subject coverage: Chemistry | Medicine & Related Sciences
Times Higher Education, formerly the Times Higher Education Supplement, reports on news and issues specifically related to higher education.
Subject coverage: Higher Education
Web of Science Core
Multi-year 2023-2025. Online citation index published by Clarivate Analytics covering over 33,000 scholarly journals. Provides a comprehensive overview of global research output. The content includes Science Citation Index, Arts and Humanities Citation Index, Social Science Citation Index, SciELO, Russian Science Citation Index and the Emerging Sources Citation Index. A subscription includes a complimentary subscription to EndNote Online Premium.
Subject coverage: Arts | Humanities | Science | Social science
Subject coverage: Multidisciplinary
Subject coverage: Animal Biology | Paleobiology | Zoology
ConsortiaManager is the acquisition workflow management tool used by SANLiC and many other consortia worldwide to streamline the workflow process for all the tasks that are part of the acquisition cycle. Each member institution has access to their own information and assigns their own administrator, usually an e-resource librarian who determines access for other individuals from the same institution.